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Booked Job Alerts

New Contributor

Hello, when I book an estimate my estimators/"technicians" and myself receive a booked job alert via email.  We set that up and like to receive that confirmation, however, can that booked job alert go to the specific estimator/"technician" that is assigned to that appointment and not to all of us?  The email alert does have the job link so you can click it and see who it is assigned to, but we want the specific technician to receive the alert, not all of us to receive the email alert.  Is this possible?


New Contributor

I've been looking to set up something similar. I haven't tested this yet but wanted to chime in. Thinking of setting up individual alerts for each technician and using tags to filter these to send to each individual tech for both booked jobs and cancelled jobs. This would require someone to add a job tag when a job is assigned so the filters could be set up in alerts. Would be nice if we could just select 'job related technicians' as an option for both booked jobs and cancelled jobs. 

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Could you use a different job type for each persons estimate, then set up separate booked job alerts for each job type to go to each person? job type>Randi Estimate>Alert>email Randi

It might be a lot of work upfront depending on how many people you have but I think it would achieve the end goal. 

Randi Thompson
Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

@KimSmith360 you can create an alert called 'Customer Signed Online Estimate' and check the box to send it to the 'Estimate's Creator'. This would ONLY capture online estimates that are signed and would likely require a modification to your current workflow. Otherwise, there could be an option to use Zapier to help create this alert. 

Madison Moritz

Thank you!  I am wondering about appointment alerts. If we book an estimate, we have email alerts that go out to all of to remind us about the appointment.  Can the appointment alert just go to the estimator/technician that is going to be going to the customer's house to provide an estimate?