Can we change the order that the custom fields appear in?

New Contributor II

I would like to change the order that the custom fields appear on the job screen or any other place we use them.  I want to change the order so the fields match our workflow.  I have tried numbering them and that did not work.  Any suggestions?  If not, I will post this on ideas in a month.  


New Contributor III

I previously asked a chat representative how to change the order and there is no way to change it 

Heather Imbach
Shenandoah Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.

ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

That's a bummer that number the fields didn't change the order. Are you noticing any patterns in the order they are appearing? Curious if they appear based on the order they are entered or if it's seemingly random?

New Contributor II

I have not been noticed a pattern but I also did not pay close attention to that.  I can tell that it is not alphabetical or numerical.  Putting them in order would be great and conditional logic would blow my mind!   Lets start with the first of those features.  😀