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Appointment sorting

When looking at a job with multiple appointments, they are automatically sorted from oldest to newest. It would be a time saver if all appointments are sorted newest to oldest. We have customers that have years of appointments I have to scroll throug...

AireServ1 by New Contributor
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Job Types Simplification

We are looking to clean up our job types list so that it's simpler to book jobs. Does anyone have examples of a simplified list of plumbing job types that they would be willing to share?

tdbarnett by New Contributor
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Reset, Edit or Delete a Form inside Jobs

We have a government form that needs to be filled out for every job. Recently, someone edited the form’s conditional logic, which caused errors in several jobs. We've since fixed the form, but the jobs are still showing the old, buggy version. How ca...

Zapier Information Retrieval

I am new to Zapier, but think that a relatively simple operation is not possible. I am trying to retrieve the text value of customer name, phone, email, as well as location name. All Zapier seems to be able to pull is the numeric ID's of this. I want...

michaelh by New Contributor
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Adding a task Price to a service

Hi Everyone!I'm not sure if I'm saying this right, but I'm looking to add tasks to certain services we provide. I'm not sure how to go about handling this or if it's even possible. Any information is greatly appreciated.UPDATE: We are transitioning t...

driley08 by New Contributor III
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Job without Managed Technician Time - Is it possible??

Hi! We have many instances where, on some of our smaller jobs, we sub them out and simply mark up that vendor bill, and so we do not have any managed technician time on the job. I cannot find a way to process this in service titan. I looked at using ...

Mobile Tablet Loosing Notes and Job Details

Two of our technicians have been experiencing difficulty with their mobile tablets loosing notes and not syncing. There have been times where their notes from multiple jobs will get wiped and their arrival and dispatch times will be erased. In the of...

Issues with closing out a job

Is anyone else having issues with closing out a job? This just started today (following an update last night). We get an error code that reads: "Sequence Contains No Matching Elements".

thaggerty by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Production Analysis

We have weekly Production meetings to identify if a Sales person bid a job well (or poorly) in terms of Labor hours OR if our Install Techs were just slow in installing the system(s). So we currently use an Excel spreadsheet to track EVERY job (Insta...

alemke by New Contributor II
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