Job Reports

New Contributor II

How can I run a report that shows all open jobs, sorted by project manager?

We are still getting our project managers to create Projects for new Jobs.  I want to know what each PM's workload is before I meet with them individually.


Thank you in advance!


ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

Hi @emmabrda -- use the template: Project Job Costing to give you project and job status along with project manager and other details. 

Sheena @ NiFT

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Would the WIP - Percentage of completion method report work? Screenshot 2024-01-16 094834.png

Randi Thompson
Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Hi Randi,

Did you create this report or is it a ST-provided report?  I don't see it populating, so may just need to have my admin grant me access.  Thanks!