

Dispatch Pop Out.

We noticed some obvious changes when you click a job on the dispatch board. We would like to see if we could be able to call out from the pop out instead of opening another tab, and to be able to assign and unassign techs from there as well.

Labor units for estimating

HiI love the new service titan estimating setup for the desktop version. I feel 1 thing is missing and I don't know if I am looking at it wrong. All of our line items have been set up with labor units. I don't know why labor costing cannot be added i...


Has anyone seen if there is a way to combine 3 or more estimates into one?

Resolved! Different job summaries for different appointments

Is there a way to add different job summaries for different appointments on a job?For example, if we go out for a service call and afterwards find that we need to go back for additional workWhen I add a new appointment, it shows the same notes for th...

Estimate screen

On the mobile side how do we get the signature box to be darker. I've had a few customers that can't see the box. the signatures for the invoice are darker.

kpfaehle by New Contributor II
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Non Convertable by task

Is there any way to make a job non convertable by task code instead of job type or $?

BBass by New Contributor
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Resolved! Payment notification

Is there a way to get an email alert for online payments only?

Caryn by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Property Data

Is there a way to give all my CSR's access to property data. The button is under the service location address for all my admins but not my CSR's. I haven't been able to locate this feature in the permissions tab for employees

DamienJ5 by New Contributor
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Resolved! Shop Time Event

If a tech is in a non-job "shop time" event, is there a section for them to write what they are doing (such as cleaning trucks, etc)? I was told by ST that this does not exist.

Janet by New Contributor
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Resolved! Customer Job Completion Surveys going out at 1:17 AM?

This morning we were notified by an angry customer that a Job Completion Survey text went out to them at 1:17 AM (6/27) ... for a job that was completed on 6/24... I saw other similar posts in ST Masterminds and was wondering if ST could confirm this...

thomashogan by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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