Upload/import customer lists to Marketing Pro

New Contributor II

We should have the ability to import customer lists for email campaigns. We have lists of customers we can't email unless we create a profile for every single one of them, or sign up for Constant Contact or MailChimp, both of which allow you to import customer lists. It's crazy you can't even import a list for a report you ran. 


ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

Hi @gavurb and thanks for sharing your feedback 🙂

We are in the process of bringing even more functionality to you, our Community members. This amazing idea needs to be shared with the Product team. The best place to share great ideas like this is: https://community.servicetitan.com/t5/Ideas/bd-p/ideas

Be sure to come back here and share the Idea ID (COMMUNITY-I-xxx) so others can upvote your idea!