05-16-2023 10:35 AM
Is there a report that exists or that could be created that starts with inventory balance as of a certain date and then shows all of the activity (inflows and outflows) to the balance as of a different date? Happy to do something in excel outside of the system if easier.
05-16-2023 11:41 AM
Is this only able to be done with a single item or can it be done for all items? I am just trying to tie out cost of goods sold materials for a month, and see how that lines up with inventory at beginning of month vs. end of month.
05-16-2023 11:51 AM
To get granular info you would have to search each item. But you should be able to run the aggerate inventory stock or the inventory line item report.
05-16-2023 11:34 AM
Not exactly sure what your trying to achieve but in the inventory tab>items>transactions might help. You can select a date range and download the info.