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New Contributor

Please enable the email for invoices and estimates for every new profile that is created in service titan - if this is not done customers are not getting their emails or estimates and is costing the company money. This new step on having to go in and enable the email is being missed when creating new profiles since it has always done it in the past and now all of a sudden it no longer does it so people are forgetting to do it


Valued Contributor II

It has been like this since at least last year for us. I try and go through our dispatch board every 2-4 weeks and click into every single new customer and ensure this has been checked off. It is time consuming and a pain but necessary. I wish it would automatically check this off or show this on the call booking screen when setting up a new client as you do not remember to go into the customer's file after to click it off. If you add this to ideas, please share the ID with me as I would readily vote for it. Thanks!


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling