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Performance Pay for Weekly Invoice Totals

New Contributor

Is there a way to create a configurable payroll for technicians to be paid based on a weekly invoice total rather than each individual invoice subtotal? This weekly invoice total would then be paid commission based on a % pay scale with a minimum dollar cutoff 


New Contributor III

I also would like a way to performance bonus or increase commission rate based on total payroll period amount.  Right now that function is available on a per job/invoice basis only.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi- As of right now, there isn't a way to pay different hourly rates on jobs, unless it's a prevailing wage job.  Different hourly rates cannot be set up in Configurable Payroll.  CP allows you to pay different commissions/bonuses on jobs.

So if these are rates applied to actual jobs, then the additional pay would need to be added in through payroll adjustments