Down Payments

New Contributor

Hello! How is everybody entering down payments? We require our customers to pay 1/2 down before we order their product and so sometimes this money could sit for a couple months. Currently, we are collecting down payments as a payment and it's exporting as a credit on our AR report. I'm looking for it to go into my "down payment" liability account. I've played with the settings to where it comes over as a journal entry, but it's still not doing what I need it to. 


New Contributor

I've been searching for topics on this as well. We are a roofing company so some jobs are work a lot of money and payment is structured based on milestones for that job, thus creating a payment schedule. I have not found a solution for us to bill a customer for only a certain portion of the total approved estimate without giving them the invoice for the total and not just the amount required for that milestone. It's a pain to have to keep explaining to the customer that we are not billing them for the entire amount yet but only requiring them to pay x amount.

New Contributor II

We also have this process. The Service Titan work flow for this is very complicated and frustrating. What we ended up doing is exporting the payment to Quickbooks. Created a "retainer" invoice that links to a liability account. Then when final invoice comes over add a line in QB for the deposit amount. 

Very annoying.