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Payment Term Field on Accounts Receivable Report

New Contributor

I'd love to see Accounts Receivable aging reports include a column showing the customer's payment terms. I follow up on outstanding A/R based on how "overdue" customer payment is-- so a "net 30" customer shouldn't be bothered until the 31 day mark, but a "due on receipt" customer who has a balance in the 1-30 days outstanding bucket needs attention. The problem is that when I look at these customers on my A/R aging report, I have to MANUALLY notate their terms to determine follow-up and it takes FOREVER-- even creating a vlookup report still means that I have to constantly modify the source page for additional customers.

The other solution I tried was pinning a "Net 30 customer" note to the top of those customer profiles, and running the A/R aging report with the "Include Pinned Notes" option, BUT this clogs up my notes and it's annoying for my CSRs. And the third solution was running a separate "A/R Transactions" and copying and pasting each customer's terms that way-- still takes forever. I don't want to keep doing this manually! 

Would love for this to be added!!


New Contributor III

I also am in charge of following up with past due clients and I have a list built in Receivables in the Invoices area (not the reports area of Aspire).  Below are the filters (note the Condition) and the display fields that I use.  This shows me anyone who has an outstanding invoice that is past due and that does correlate to the Payment Terms set for that client.  I hope that's helpful! 🙂





Hello! So I do have a way to run the report "AR Transactions" -- however, my ultimate dream is to be able to run just one report that has both the outstanding A/R by customer as well as the customer's assigned payment terms. 🙂 Thank you though for taking the time to respond and include screenshots!