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Issues with phone calls being kicked into calling disabled

New Contributor

We have had several issues with our phones pro in Service Titan kicking our calls into calling disabled. We can have the window fully available, screen refreshed, just watching our screen, and a call will come in and phones pro will kick us to the calling disabled screen. Not only that but you don't hear the call come in, you just notice that your phones pro went into calling disabled and shakes. This does not happen with every call, but several throughout the day. We have upgraded our internet speeds, done all updates, and have internet connected directly to our computers. Is anyone else having this issue? 


New Contributor III

Hi @ElectricalLiz Thank you for being an active member within the Community.

I see you are experiencing issues with phones pro kicking calls into disabled. The issue you are experiencing may also occur if there are multiple tabs open with the embedded dialer.

Do you know if this issue is occurring under these circumstances?

ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

Hi @ElectricalLiz
It’s sad to hear that you’re having technical issues with your phones. I have forwarded the details you provided to our team of technical specialists, and your case is currently under review. The specialist will get in touch with you soon.

Can you add us to the list of Clients that are experiencing the exact same issue.

Our CRM's run multiple monitors with ST open on at least 2 of those monitors - one on the Job Booking Screen and one on the Dispatch board. 

If this is a case where the software is failing due to multiple ST sessions being open at once, we will need to know what ST best solution is for this.