Leave Behinds - What are your favorites?

New Contributor III

I'm curious... what are your favorite handouts/leave behinds to get your company name out there?

We had a plumber out to our house and when the technician left our invoice he also left several die-cut stickers. My husband and I love collecting stickers. Our pool house refrigerator is full of stickers we've collected so of course we added it to the collection!

PS... make sure you are putting a tracking phone number on those freebies! 😁



Valued Contributor II

OHHH I love this idea! I cannot wait to see what others reply with. I love the tip about a tracking phone number - so important!

This summer I made up some activity sheets for different ages and gave them to our techs. They can hand them out to customers whose children are home during our visit since it is summer break! They all have our company name on them and relate back to our trade.

I'd love to get into more little freebies to get our name out there. I looked into pet treats to leave with clients who have dogs but it was hard to find ones that were reasonably priced, are individually wrapped and have the ingredients on the label.


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

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New Contributor II

A couple of things that I have seen great success with are jar openers and the pocket type screwdrivers. Though the screwdrivers can be somewhat expensive, they were a hit with customers. Tote bags were another thing they seemed to like. The coloring books are an awesome idea. 

Valued Contributor

We have magnets shapes like our vans. Magnet.jpg

New Contributor III

We've been hesitant in the past to  do consistent leave-behinds as to avoid the technicians carrying too much collateral or becoming frustrated with tedious wrap-up tasks. However, I think it would be great for us to return to this strategy for a boost, especially something so simple to implement.

Our office team is participating in a local festival in September to improve visibility. We're gearing up to give out magnets, pens, writing pads, t-shirts, tote bags, you name it. We're also redesigning our business cards to include qr codes for links to our socials and website.

I'm excited to hear what everyone else has seen bring successful ROI, cheers!


Valued Contributor II

Are your employees volunteering to help at the festival or is it a paid event? How do you convince them to help out with it? (If it is on a weekend). 

OH I like the idea of the QR code! I should suggest this for the next time we redesign our business cards.


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

Contributor III

Love This IDEA!! We did magnets for awhile but I didn't order any the last time due to we reached budget and needed other items more. 

I at one point purchased a small batch of coloring books and the families love them!! I should order them again. 

Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member

New Contributor III

I never really thought about bringing goodies for the kids, GREAT idea and thank you for sharing!

New Contributor III

I LOVE LOVE the coloring book idea! Twofold: you get your company's information out there AND you are teaching kiddos about the trades. This is such a fun idea!

Valued Contributor II

A lot of webinars this year have been saying how important it is to teach kids about the trades to build their interest in it now! So this is such a great way to start young. Love it!

Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

@jwarren @KhianaKlatt  okay I am on it!! I have reached out to a few people that are designers. The books online were so cheesy that I ordered and didn't even have tools labeled correctly. So I will keep you posted on if anyone can help design custom ones for your businesses. 

Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member