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Dispatch Board Organization

New Contributor

Does anyone know if you are able to arrange the way the teams display on the dispatch board? I can't find any where that would allow you do adjust the team settings. 


New Contributor

My group has a designated team leader for each team. It would be great if we could mark them as such in their tech settings and have them automatically show up at the top of their team group. Right now we have to use special characters to make them appear first in their team list but that works for us. 
Similar to Mcurtis, we use letters before each team name to get our teams in the order we need them in on the dispatch board.

Would you want only to use the "Team Leader" designation to have those techs at the top of the list, or are there other changes to the appearance that you would want to see as well? 

Right now, my team and I are reviewing solutions for full customization of technician ordering within teams and the team orders themselves as they appear on the Dispatch board. 

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Hi scburns

I was just checking in if there has been any update-- We may be changing our team names soon & it would be great to not have to edit every tech individually in their profiles. I can wait if anything is coming soon 🙂

Hi @mcurtis Thanks for checking in! We're in the middle of development for the aforementioned solution, and I'm forecasting a limited availability release in our next major release coming in April. What is coming in that release should address your naming needs and the ordering of teams and technicians on the Dispatch Board. 

If you would like to see what that looks like before then, I'm happy to set up a time at your convenience to review and talk about the updates in detail. 


Hi All - I am part of our development team for our Dispatch features. We are currently reviewing how we can improve the organization of the dispatch board, and it sounds like this group might have ideas about what you want to see changed. 

Can you tell me how you would like to see your board organized and where you like to make those adjustments? For example, you might want to see a new way to manage teams and the ordering of technicians within those teams. 

I would like to be able to order how the teams appear on the dispatch board. For example our team "helpers" is listed at the top. I would prefer to view that team towards the bottom of the dispatch board. It would be cool if we were able to select which order the teams appear on the dispatch board. This would be most easily accessed in the dispatch board settings. 

Great, that makes sense to me. Would you also want to rearrange the order of your technicians within the teams? 

New Contributor III

I agree with mcurtis - I believe the only organization available at the moment is the create a Team grouping. For example, HVAC, Plumbing, Helpers. Then within the technician settings, you can assign those techs to their appropriate team. Maybe one group of technicians if they are commercial only. You would create a team by typing in what you want under the technician settings > dispatching > Team. You may have options to pick from but you can type in a custom one if you choose to team up or organize your dispatch board differently. Hope this helps.

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

We use numbers in front of the team name to put in the order we prefer -- 1 Service Selling Tech, 2 Warranty Tech Etc. -- The only tough part is once you create the team name you have to update everyone in the team individually to that team, no bulk option I have been able to find. Also using a space before the name will alter where it shows.