

Resolved! Technician vs Dispatch Job Completion

Hello, I just wanted to reach out and gather some feedback on how many people allow their technicians to complete the jobs versus having the dispatchers complete out the ticket in house. We have been on ST for 7+ years and have handled it both ways i...

barbara_6 by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Resolved! Service Zone Colors

Can we get an update to the colors for service zones? As we've expanded our service area, we're running out of colors to choose from and most of the colors look exactly the same on the dispatch board, causing lots of routing mistakes. It would be so ...

Extra jobs at the end of the day

What is the best way to handle jobs that Smart Dispatch bumps to unassigned towards the end of the day when there isn't enough room in tech shifts?Here are the solutions I've heard some customers use:Extend tech shifts on a case by case basis through...

by Former Titan
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Not enough memory to open this page error

For the past few weeks we have had one of our dispatchers repeatedly run into this error shown below. We've attempted adding memory to her computer and have also switched her to an entirely new one and its still happening. Is anyone else running into...

AKUMP by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Invoice Summary

Hi everyone, I am wondering if there is a way for technicians to pin their Invoice Summary into the job notes page other than copy and paste into the notes section? I feel like I have heard of this before but not able to find a way to do this? Any he...

BriMarie by New Contributor
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Resolved! Adding New Location from Tablet

Hi! I was wondering how the technicians can add a new location from their tablet? In the office we have explored with the technicians on how to do this, to no avail . Please help! If this is not a feature, it would be helpful, because it causes issue...

DanaDane by New Contributor II
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Recurring Service

Recurring service feature. Right now the last time seen is not auto populated. For this feature to be useful for mass routing, having the last time seen is critical. We have packages where we see customers three times a year. Proper spacing gives us ...

Whitepl2 by New Contributor
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Resolved! Dispatcher Training Manual

Does anyone have a dispatcher training manual they would be willing to share? I'm in the process of creating one & could use some more great ideas to throw in!

jmoutray by New Contributor II
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is there a way for techs to see all techs dispatch without adding to admin?

jcooley by New Contributor
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Resolved! capacity planning/dispatch

We are trying to work out how to best use adjustable capacity planning(using skills) and dispatching jobs efficiently. I am running into a couple of stumbling blocks. Some of our techs have a specialized skill so if we assign jobs as we schedule them...

Topahill by New Contributor
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