Dispatch Pro - On Call

New Contributor II

This last week during our after hours time frame, one of our technicians created a job in ST for after hour service. The time frame for an arrival he allotted in the job was a 4 hour window that he did not exceed when he started heading toward the job site.  Before he could dispatch to it ( 15 minutes later), Dispatch Pro unassigned the job from him and he could not dispatch to it. He in turn ended up creating multiple jobs as our policy is not to dispatch until we are approximately 30 minutes out from our destination and this site was farther than normal. There were no other technicians schedules that were open on the schedule for that day, and our on call technician was the only technician assigned to an on call shift on the schedule board. Has anyone else run into this? Or have a work around aside from having someone from the office logging in after hours to monitor the dispatch board and make sure after hours jobs stay on the designated technicians?