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New Job Preview on Dispatch Board

New Contributor

Now when you click on a job on the dispatch board a preview pops up on the right. This is a preview of the job with some information. However, in order to see the contacts for the property, timesheets, etc you have to click on "Go to Job Page" which opens another tab and brings you to the normal job page. This is extremely frustrating. Im constantly having to open new tabs to the point where I have like 10 or so open. Then once I have the information that I need I try to go to the tab that I had been working on and cant find it in the chaos. Please remove this feature, or create a way to bypass the feature so we can just go directly to the job. 


New Contributor

Totally agree, we disabled it, It was very frustrating and the pop up didn't show all information anyway. You can go to the settings icon on the dispatch board and click on the left for board appearance and then click no for the fly window


View solution in original post


New Contributor

I totally agree, we disabled it. We did not like the preview at all. Found it very frustrating. 

New Contributor

I totally agree and thanks for the solution to not having the fly window popping up. This was driving us crazy as well. 🙂

New Contributor

Totally agree, we disabled it, It was very frustrating and the pop up didn't show all information anyway. You can go to the settings icon on the dispatch board and click on the left for board appearance and then click no for the fly window


Lgreen1952 Thank you!!!

This is great to know it can be disabled! Thank you!