Going from pencil & paper estimates to ST estimates

Contributor II

Has anyone transitioned from pencil + paper estimates, to estimating in ST? 

We have been using ST for about 7 months. We transitioned from pencil + paper job tracking. One of the things we don't do in ST yet is estimating. 

Our current process is we type up a letter of the outlined work with an estimated cost of the job and send it to the customer (they don't have to sign off on it, they just give us an "ok")

Any best practices/tips to transition to doing estimating on ST? MY boss is open to the idea, but also likes his process. 



Contributor II


I highly recommend that you thoroughly set up your price book first with pictures and vendors etc. Also, I would make templates of most sold combination of items. Both of those will make the estimating process so much easier, efficient, and provide the customer with the best experience.
