05-09-2024 07:24 AM
How do you keep a text message going out if you check no notifications, do you have to delete the number from the account? For instance, I have a dad and son, the dad is on the son's account because he goes there when his son can't to let the tech in but when the tech dispatches himself, it sends the notification to the dad as well. Does this make sense?
05-09-2024 11:52 AM
You shouldn't have to delete any numbers. I'm sure you have done this already, but just make sure notifications are turned off for all the phone numbers on the location and customer record.
05-10-2024 05:53 AM
But I don't want to turn off the notifications on all numbers on the account, just the one.
05-13-2024 06:02 AM
Oops! I misread that! Sorry! So you would just want to make sure the notifications were off for that number in customer and location record.