03-28-2023 12:28 PM
We've reached out to ST support but no one was able to help us, so I'm hoping maybe someone on here will have an idea.
We're losing points for a few things that we're doing daily, and we're not sure why:
1. Dispatch selecting specific Business Units to filter the view of our Dispatch board
2. Dispatch viewing Chat History with our technicians'
3. Dispatch filtering Job Type
We've been struggling to figure this out for a while, so any help is appreciated!
Also, please let me know if I'm missing specifics to better explain.
02-26-2024 12:03 PM
Hello there,
We're having the same issue and I was curious what the outcome was. We were docked 3 points for not using the chat on the dispatch board with the technicians when I feel like we have been paying close attention than ever. Why would it be deducting points from us?
Any input is appreciated.
03-30-2023 03:37 PM
I just messaged them. Thanks Baylee!
03-28-2023 04:09 PM
Oh maybe @tsjobeck could help you! He’s the King of all things Titan advisor!
03-30-2023 04:06 PM
Thank you, Baylee!