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Truck to Truck transfers on Inventory App

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Please vote for this idea if you like it and get your friends to upvote it as well!!!


I am excited about the inventory app but one of our biggest struggles is technicians meeting up in the field and transferring parts and not letting the office know so they can manually record this transaction.  If would be nice if the new inventory app could include a solution for truck to truck transfers that occur in the field.

Element Mist

New Contributor II

the sad part is the system says that these transfers can take place on mobile. I think they accidently deleted it during an update. I need this function to work. its stressful it does not


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

My inventory app doesn't function properly as is 😐

Randi Thompson
Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I would think the inventory app will allow you to pick stock from anywhere and transfer to anywhere.... but that would be the common sense thing... some times that isn't thought about though 🤐! Voted on this idea!

Renee Lenox - Service Specialties Inc. | LadyTitans Board Member

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

HAHA, if only Service Titan could fix that issue, lol.  I am sure a few techs would which would mean less the office has to manually do.  We currently have them email our inventory department and then someone manually mirror the transfer in ST, so those that actually email in would probably do it, but still wouldnt be able to force the others, but anything would help here.

Element Mist

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Even if it did would they DO it though?

Jessica Woodruff Smith, LadyTitans Co-Founder & Process Manager at AirWorks Solutions