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Permanently Delete Membership Type

New Contributor

I want to throw out the suggestion of being able to permanently delete items in Service Titan, specifically at this time membership types. Though it's fine for them to be deactivated when choosing a membership for a customer, there isn't an option to not include inactive memberships for all membership reports, especially created reports. Due to confusion when memberships were first created at the company I work for, there are some with duplicate membership names and it's a pain to weed out the incorrect ones. 

To piggyback off of that, there really needs to be a delete option for jobs, even if permissions are set for only specific employees. Sometimes duplicate jobs are booked, and it's not always user error. Service Titan glitches from time to time and I've had the same job booked 3 or 4 times because the 'Book Job' option wasn't registering correctly. 


New Contributor

Hi Kelly, thank you for the feedback. The memberships that I want to delete are very old and are no longer active for any customer we have. I'm guessing I will have to speak to a manager because there isn't even a delete option for memberships in pricebook or in membership types. I know that when I've asked ST before, they've stated there aren't delete options on ST so that things aren't removed accidentally but this is why I would like this to be a permission for certain employees. Being unable to delete things due to human error muddies our records sometimes.

New Contributor III

You should be able to reactivate the old memberships and just rename them to something you can recognize and then deactivate them again.  If you delete deactivated memberships i am not sure how it will affect customers who still have that membership active. I do not see any reason why a membership with no active customer could not be deleted though but you may need to ask your account manager to delete them for you.