
New Contributor II

Hello! We have had a lot of issues with the mobile side of the pricebook showing a $0.00 sell price on a lot of our material items. On the office side we can see our cost and sell price, but our techs keep showing $0.00 sell price and we can't seem to find the error. Thank you for your help!


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Agree with Randi! Check permissions.

You can also check the business unit the category of the item in the pricebook. Make sure that it is in the same business unit that the technician is in. (I think if it wasn't in the same business unit, it wouldn't show at all, but worth a double check!)

Renee Lenox - Service Specialties Inc. | LadyTitans Board Member

New Contributor II

Thank you for the suggestion, we have all of our business units set correctly, but it was worth a look!

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Its a permission.. Settings>People>Role Permissions>Edit and make sure they have "view item prices"image.png

Randi Thompson
Bill Joplin's Air Conditioning & Heating

Thank you, we have everyone's permissions already turned on for it, we are stumped! But thank you for the help!