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Linking Inventory Transfer To Jobs?

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has a way or a workflow that links inventory transfers from our own warehouse directly to jobs.

Essentially, whenever a technician pulls out inventory items from our warehouse (using transfers), we want to be able to link that transfer to a specific job so that we are able to indicate that the item has been used for that job without the technician having to re-input all the inventory items that he requested in the transfer back again into the job invoice.

We are trying to incorporate the new Inventory Mobile app so that whenever our warehouse guys fulfill a picklist (for a transfer), the inventory items can be instantly applied to a job.

Thank you! Any help would be appreciated!


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Do you have requisitions turned on?  That might be the solution you are looking for.  Check out "Inventory Requisition" in the search bar to find out more if you don't currently have it on.

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning