Project Tracking
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Linking Inventory Transfer To Jobs?

Hello everyone,I was wondering if anyone has a way or a workflow that links inventory transfers from our own warehouse directly to jobs.Essentially, whenever a technician pulls out inventory items from our warehouse (using transfers), we want to be a...

louisyuhan by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Top 100 Items

There should a report built as a template for top 100 parts sold.Then it should have the ability to filter based on date ranges, job types, business unit, etc. This would be extremely beneficial in inventory management especially for the commercial s...

spetrie by Contributor II
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  • 8 kudos

Please Vote for my Idea

I need the ability to return to "pending status" (edit) a received po for our larger commercial projects.Please vote for my idea:

spetrie by Contributor II
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Technician PO Feature Request

It would be cool if the technicians could link in to the material pricebook and add materials from the PO Screen in Mobile. If the techs dont get the item code perfect they are severley slowed down in building a PO.

dhutton by New Contributor
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  • 2 kudos

Resolved! Tool Tracking System

Hello all!Currently this is not offered but maybe in the future it could be an added featured.I'd love to be able to track tools as assets.This way they can live on the balance sheet and have traceability of who has it/ used it last/ when it needs to...

AlexPhylactou by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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  • 13 kudos

Resolved! Duplicating a Material that is Inventoried

Hey all, I am in need of some assistance!So after getting all my materials inventoried, I noticed that I was in need of a few more materials, and went to duplicate some of the already created materials (since it was simpler, and had most the info I n...

ZMR-TBHVAC by New Contributor III
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