On Call Standby Pay

New Contributor

Our employees receive a flat rate allowance for being on-call regardless of weather they go on a call or not. I am unsure how to add this Standby pay into ST for job costing/department revenue purposes. I can use the work around of just doing a payroll adjustment to add the $300 standby to a call they went on - but what about when they had no on call jobs - where could it be stored?


Any solutions would be greatly appreciated. 


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I've started using a new workaround for recording department costing when it's not specifically for a job (say meeting time)- I create a project each month with a "non-job" job for each business unit- then instead of non-job events, I put appointments on the job that the techs clock into. You could also put a direct payroll adjustment onto that non-job job for the on call pay.

Jessica Woodruff Smith, LadyTitans Co-Founder & Process Manager at AirWorks Solutions