05-17-2022 05:26 AM
Here's the scenario:
Customer calls in for service. They're wanting to discuss pricing and get a better rate. As a bsiness we want to review the actual A/R history of that customer to determine what we want to do next -- see how much they've spent with us, basically.
Currently, I can go through the reports and run reports from there.
What would be nice, is that if I click on "balance" for the customer record, it automatically either lifetime rev report, or lists all transaction totals with a date range filer, including a "lifetime' filter. This would be less steps and more direct to the data and really speed up the analysis of customer spend in relations to decisions like in the scenario.
05-17-2022 11:48 AM
That's a great idea that would save some time! Have you shared that idea in the Ideas section yet?