10-27-2023 07:50 AM
Occassionally a customer will tip our technicians, usually with cash but sometimes on their check. How do I record this accurately?
E.G. A customer wrote a check for $225, their invoice total was $200 and they tipped the tech $25.
Do I need to add a line item on the invoice so that when I export the payment I'm able to reconcile it?
10-27-2023 08:21 AM
As frustrating as it is, I agree with Jessica. Depending on the area you are in would have an impact as to how that is accounted for. I know we have different rules in Alberta than you would have in the States.
10-27-2023 07:55 AM
To do it LEGALLY, which is important, I would do it as a line item on the invoice that exports to a liability account called EMPLOYEE TIPS OWED or something like that, then I would pay those tips out on payroll as taxable income.