

Audit trail_Unapplying credit card payment!

In the audit trail, the unapplied payment shows as 'deleted payment' instead of ' unapplied'. It is very confusing.I wish there is an update to have a proper phrase to be shown on the audit trail not to confuse anyone.

JENNA_YHC by New Contributor
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Changing Bill To Customer After Exporting

Does any one else have issues with customers wanting bill to information changed after an invoice has already been exported. We run into this fairly often where the party that pays for the bill then forwards it to someone else and they want the bill ...

vtapiajp by New Contributor
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AR Invoice signature size

When printing an AR customer invoice a lot of space is taken up with the "signature" related to the authorization and acknowledgement areas. Is there any way to decrease the size of these areas?

DebMar by New Contributor
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Resolved! Invoice font size

Does anyone know of a html code that can be used with invoices to enable using a smaller font for the authorization and acknowledgement paragraphs?

DebMar by New Contributor
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Tags on the invoice screen?

Does anyone know of a way for TAGS to show up on the invoice screen? We currently utilize tags to track jobs that need to be filed under extended warranty. These are jobs that we will not bill the customer for, since they have an extended warranty co...

ECSoffice1 by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Resolved! Invoicing

It would be nice if there was a way to put an attention line on the invoices. Some invoices need to go to a specific person with the company being invoiced and there isn't a way to do that except under the notes on the customer account or under invoi...

Kathy70 by New Contributor II
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Accounting Tab Access

I have 3 Suggestions on this tab:1)- please fix the glitch that allows employees to view batches even when their permissions say they cannot view batches.2)- When bypassing an export- please mark that batch as "Bypassed" vs. "Exported" so that we can...

How to edit "Remit To" on statement

We recently noticed that when sending statements to customers either by email or printing, the "Please remit to:" at the top right is blank underneath. Where can we add this information? I have looked under email settings, business units but haven't ...

dyan_the by New Contributor II
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