And just like that, Thanksgiving is already over and we're diving right into the holiday season!
In case you missed it, here are some November highlights in the Community.
Community Feature Updates:
1. A lot of you have been asking for us to make the Event Calendar bigger on the Community home page, and our Corporate Engineering team delivered! We now have a FULL PAGE calendar view!
You can find the calendar here or simply navigate to the Community homepage, scroll down to the calendar, and click "View Full Calendar"
2. Our team also recently made updates to the Ideas Guidelines. In the past, the Idea vote threshold was 100 - meaning any idea that received 100 or more votes would be reviewed by our product team. Now our Ideas Guidelines state:
"The ServiceTitan product team reviews the highest voted ideas weekly. This means any idea that is within the top 25 voted ideas from Community will be further reviewed by the Product team. Please note we will review our voting criteria periodically and adjust as needed to align with overall voting and internal processes."
Community Tip:

In the Discussion area, when you go to "start a topic" in one of our discussion boards (whether this is accounting, call booking, etc), a tool tip will appear at the top of the page to remind you of what type of content should be in the discussion area.
For clarity:
- The Discussion Tab (and all associated boards) are for QUESTIONS regarding the ServiceTitan product and associated functionalities. This is where you would go to request best practices or ask for help from others about the product. No requests should be in this area since that is what the Ideas area is for.
- The Ideas Tab (which is what this Tool Tip is highlighting in the screenshot above), is specifically for you to add ST feature/enhancement REQUESTS. Please put your requests here and NOT the discussion boards.
- The Community Feedback Area - this area is specifically for feedback you want to give to the ServiceTitan Community team about the Community itself. While we appreciate seeing product enhancement requests, those belong in the Ideas area; this area is specifically for you to talk about things you would like to see in the Community (a new group, a new discussion board, gameficiation ideas, badge ideas, etc).
Community Posts:
In the spirit of gratitude and all things Thanksgiving, we want to thank you all for supporting our Community! None of this would be possible without your contributions, expertise & knowledge sharing. We really appreciate you all!