Busy season - help!

Valued Contributor II

What is everyone's tips for prioritizing during busy season? I am our only CSR and it can be overwhelming at times (inbound calls, outbound calls, emails, dispatching, solving problems, ordering equipment and parts, receiving items and completing inventory, labeling and staging materials, quickbooks, etc.). I would love to hear how other HVAC companies survive the busy no heat season in the office. Provide all your tips below!

- delegate

- prioritize

- to do lists

- scheduling apps 

- self care/me time/take breaks

What are your best found tips and secrets? 


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

@KhianaKlatt that is a major role you take on...my biggest suggestion to you is to make sure that after your work day, you have something that is just "me time"...a book, movie, walk, etc...  Burnout can happen so very fast.  For during the day I have found times where I am beyond overwhelmed with the papers and stuff on my desk...I just take it all and put it in a pile, then start at the top and work the way down.  High priority items get dealt with quickly and if something isn't as urgent, it goes to the bottom of the pile.  That way, you have a clear desk with just one stack on it to manage...might be all in my head but it helps me feel more in control of the chaos.

I am also a huge fan of my task list in my email calendar.  Even for things that I think I will remember to do, they get a task.  Advice I was once given (but am awful at following) is to do the ugliest task first...that might be an option.

Last, surround yourself with things that make you happy to help create a great work environment.  Pics of family, pets, etc...

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning

Valued Contributor II

Thank you for taking the time to type a detailed response! I agree that burnout can happen but how do you make the "me time" each day? I have implemented the one pile system similar to yours. I now have a drop box on my desk and have the boys leave me all pick tickets, invoices, etc in this box. If they do not leave it there, I'm not doing it haha. This has helped a lot so my desk feels less overwhelming now! I also make task lists however, mine are hand written as I love the satisfaction of crossing items off! I have also added plants and photos to my work area. I appreciate the tips! 🙂


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Me time is never easy to make happen that is for sure!  I used to never take a lunch break and now I try to as often as I can (not always possible) and I just scroll on my phone, read or do something totally unrelated to work.  When I get home at the end of the day, I have it so I don't have notifications on for work emails and sometimes just doing nothing is enough for my mind to get a break.

And Post It notes!  If there is something I need to train myself to remember, I put it on a Post It and on my desk...these annoy me to no end so helps me learn to do those tasks much quicker so I can get them off my desk!

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning