05-05-2022 05:07 AM
With the new update you no longer can edit the dispatch board Team Names, I add numbers before the Team Names to put in the order we like for the board to display. Now you have to create a new team and go into each tech profile and update their team to be able to change the board appearance.
Does anyone know an easier way to arrange the board
05-18-2023 10:36 AM
So I made a typo making a new team and cannot figure out how to delete/edit. Is that not an option at all?
06-08-2023 06:34 AM
I believe creating a new Team and updating each tech within that team is the only way -- The Edit option is no longer available that I am aware of
08-02-2022 02:07 PM
Wait.. so 1) no editing old names 2) have to make new teams => have to change each tech profile individually? 3) not possible to delete redundant teams either.
Very intuitive. Maybe I just go back to putting sticky notes on my screen
05-17-2022 12:39 PM
Figured it out! On the technician dispatching team start typing what you want the team name to be and it gives option to ADD!
Hope this helps others cause I spend so much time trying to figure it out...lol
10-06-2022 08:37 AM
Thank you - This was driving me nuts trying to figure out such an easy fix lol. I finally came here to search for the answer.
03-08-2023 08:52 AM
How do you delete unused teams? I see now how to add one in the techs profile to show up on the dispatch but no way to delete the ones created but not used.
05-17-2022 12:27 PM
How do you create the team? This is the part I am struggling with. I have clicked on everything and can't find where you create the teams for the board
05-05-2022 05:55 AM
Just to be clear, previously you were able to change team names on the dispatch board? I can still add/change team names in the technician settings. It's even more intuitive than it used to be because it provides a dropdown list of all your existing teams. You no longer have to ensure you've typed it exactly correctly to prevent creating a new team inadvertently.
05-05-2022 06:01 AM
Yes, before I could edit a team name -- Say I wanted my Maintenance Team on the top I would change the name to 1 Maint Team, 2 Demand Team Etc.. Then when its busy season change my board to show Selling Techs First -- 1 Selling Tech Team - 2 Demand Team Etc.
Now I need to create a new Team name to move the board, not just update the existing name. This then causes each tech in that team to have their profile updated individually.