01-24-2025 03:41 PM
We recently started using the option to give customers the ability to approve estimates online. We thought this was going to be a great feature. However, we did not realize until today when a customer showed us what it looks like on their end just how unattractive it looks to them. Our customer had printed the estimate from us and one from another company and showed us both. We were embarrassed at how unprofessional ours looked in comparison! The format is completely different from the pdf version that is emailed if you do not have the online approval option turned on. First, it does not even show the customer's name. Instead it simply states "Hello, this is your estimate". That is very generic and not at all how we like to greet our customers. Also, the estimate number is not listed on the form. Instead it shows a "Project ID" of 0, which seems pointless. The overall format of the form is very bland. I reached out to the Help Center to find out if any or all of these things were adjustable. Turns out they are not. The online acceptance option is more for functionality and no thought was put in to how it presents to the customer. After begrudgingly accepting this information, I then asked if it is possible to have the pdf version of the estimate included in the email along with the link to approve it online. I was informed that is not an option, either. I would be ok with the poor appearance of the online approval link only if the pdf were also attached so if the customer needed to print it to show another member of their company they could at least have the way more attractive version of the estimate.
02-07-2025 09:57 AM
Good morning,
I create estimates and email to potential customers, and the pdf version of the estimate is attached to the email as well as the link to approve and sign estimate online.