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Recalls / direct access to the original job

New Contributor

When I am batching a recall job, I am also confirming that dispatch opened the job properly and added the recall in the edit screen.  I may also need to refer back to the original tech notes to see if this is really defined as a recall (Is this a tech mistake, part warranty, or customer error?).

A link to the original job would be a great thing on either the job page or the invoice page.  This would do two things for me; 1) It would save me a step in my invoicing process in that I would not need to go into the edit screen to confirm the recall job is there; 2) I would have a direct link to the original job if I need to look into the original tech notes.

Any thoughts?


ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

It would also be nice when pulling a report for recalls to have the recall job Business Unit .

A work around we use to better track tech mistake, warranty or customer error is by assigning each of these to a task. On a recall job, the tech has to add a Recall-H (homeowner) Recall-W (warranty) Recall-T (technician). Each of these tasks have alerts. The homeowner task goes to the ops manager for review. Warranty and Tech go to the field managers. The thought is: the ops manager wants to know is it actually the homeowner? Keeps everyone honest. Also, if it is a homeowner issue, is there consistency in an issue (i.e. thermostat setting)? This provides insight for us to provide better explanation or training to homeowners on a specific subject, in hopes of reducing unnecessary callbacks. The warranty task allows the reclass. The tech task again provides feedback and insight for areas of improvement. 

To help with the issue of quick visibility into the recall BU. We have job types Recall-I (install) Recall-P(plumbing) Recall-S(service) These are also alerted to the appropriate managers. It's a win on reporting and gives managers a heads up.

New Contributor

Love this idea, very helpful and we did a report every month and passed it out to our team so guys could see what they were doing wrong and how it was corrected

Hi @sstewart .  This was added to ideas as COMMUNITY-I-989.  For anyone who likes this suggestion, go to ideas and upvote it.

Mike M CPA & Operations in KC, (go Chiefs)

Contributor III

An excellent idea, I would suggest that you put this in the ideas section and then put a link here so people who see this can up-vote your suggestion.

Mike M CPA & Operations in KC, (go Chiefs)