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Resolved! Delete Option for Mistakes

There should be a delete option for when you create an estimate you can delete it.For example, if you select the wrong customer and start to create an estimate. The solution would be to delete it.Or if you start to create an estimate that is no longe...

Forms Trigger for Specific Questions

Hello,I was wondering if anyone else was curious about triggering alerts on forms for questions or items in the form if it is filled out. To better explain I have created a Happy Call form that my CSR fill out when we do happy calls to customers abou...

Zching by New Contributor III
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Recalls / direct access to the original job

When I am batching a recall job, I am also confirming that dispatch opened the job properly and added the recall in the edit screen. I may also need to refer back to the original tech notes to see if this is really defined as a recall (Is this a tech...

babbott1 by New Contributor
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Converting estimates

Yesterday I realized when converting an estimate, after you click the Select All button to add the tasks there is a separate box to then check to include any quoted discounts. If you are putting a Select All button at the top of the page it should Se...

llass by New Contributor
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Manual Timesheet Adjustments Reverting after Change

On all of our jobs we charge for return drive time. We have the guys in the field track that time, then we make a manual adjustment to the job timesheet to include their return drive time. Everything is saved and set, it looks good. But occasionally ...

chris-zeww by New Contributor III
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New Estimates Screen

When building an estimate (office side) in the new estimates screen, you now have job costing on the right side of the screen. When entering tasks with labor associated, the labor cost is not being applied to the costing, therefore the margin is not ...

jason_sp by New Contributor II
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Resolved! open jobs by customer report

has anyone requested or know where i can find an open jobs by customer report? I have several customers that have multiple locations ( like 20 to 50 ) and i would like a daily report that i can send to them with job status to keep them informed and e...

billwebb by New Contributor
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Permit and Inspection section

Suggestion: We are looking to see if we can add a section to a job. We would like to add permit numbers and inspection results plus dates for jobs completed. We would, of course, have to have the option to add more than one due to the many different ...

Nadine by New Contributor
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backdating a completion date.

We are reconciling some jobs from the switch over, is there a way to create a job, assign a tech and complete the job (without it using today's date as the completed on date) I would like to have the completed on date for the jobs on the day reflecti...