red circle with number on mobile

New Contributor III

Is anyone else seeing this red circle on their mobile view?  It has a random number in it, and it is apparently counting down for whatever reason.   It has been causing a lot of issues for our sales team when they are preparing an estimate.  Whatever they do while this red circle is doing whatever it is doing, may disappear completely, or reappear at some point after they have re-done whatever disappeared.  There is no logic that it needs to download the Pricebook, or sync, because it will do it repeatedly after adding a single line item.  We have gotten a new iPad, and upgraded to 5G on it, and spent HOURS online with support, but since they cannot replicate the issue on their end, they can't seem to give me an answer, We've made sure we were in a location with a strong signal, too.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 123019.png

Our salesmen have been adding a line, then waiting until the red circle disappears, then adding another line and repeating this process, which is taking up a lot of their time.  Otherwise, they will lose all of their work. 

Anybody else?


New Contributor III

it appears to be similar to the icon we get when our guys are in low signal areas.  they will take pictures of a job and because the signal is not strong enough to upload the photos the guys will see this until they move to an area with a better signal and then service titan uploads the images that it has queued up. i believe this number means you are doing something that can not be immediately updated within service titan until you get a better signal.  i assume it goes away because your techs change their location and the signal gets through and it clears the queue.  the problem we had with this was techs trying to clear the queue to do other tasks and restarting service titan or something and then the queue is deleted and none of the information gets uploaded meaning its all lost and they must reupload the photos they took or remember what they had done before.

This is just an assumption but since you talked to support i am not sure why they would not have thought this was the issue.

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New Contributor II

we are having the same issue! it is a real pain out in the field. Please ST - there's gotta be a better resolve than force exiting, uninstall and reinstall

occasionally it can be corrected by putting the phone in airplane mode waiting till you lose connections and then take it out of airplane mode.  the internet connection will refresh and sometimes it goes through.

New Contributor III

it appears to be similar to the icon we get when our guys are in low signal areas.  they will take pictures of a job and because the signal is not strong enough to upload the photos the guys will see this until they move to an area with a better signal and then service titan uploads the images that it has queued up. i believe this number means you are doing something that can not be immediately updated within service titan until you get a better signal.  i assume it goes away because your techs change their location and the signal gets through and it clears the queue.  the problem we had with this was techs trying to clear the queue to do other tasks and restarting service titan or something and then the queue is deleted and none of the information gets uploaded meaning its all lost and they must reupload the photos they took or remember what they had done before.

This is just an assumption but since you talked to support i am not sure why they would not have thought this was the issue.

New Contributor III

Thanks for your response Kelly, it sounds like the same issue but it happens for us even in places where they apparently have good signal too.  Our estimates could be more complex than some, so it needs to upload more data more frequently, perhaps.

And I agree, kind of surprising ST Support wouldn't have recognized this as the cause right away.  We can't be the only two users seeing this issue!

Thanks again for your input!

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

YES!!! And it happens regardless of how strong our signal strength is as well! I had to meet a tech in the field this morning, we waited for over 20 minutes in a parking lot with full reception, and nothing changed. We were forced to exit the app, delete it from the iPad, and then redownload the app. Which, as you stated, means losing everything. 

Odd thing is, it is only one tech that I have this issue with... and he has the newest ipad we have... with the most recent iOS updates with exception of the new 17.5.1 out this week. I'm wondering if it's an iOS/ST compatibility issue with the last update... especially considering support could not replicate the issue.

New Contributor III

Thank you for your response Brironda, perhaps if enough people are having the same problem as us, they will look into it a little more closely!

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

That's the hope. Are your devices still having this issue? Or have you been able to resolve it? 

New Contributor III

They are still doing it, but they just have to wait until it goes away and then keep going.  Very frustrating and time consuming.