Credit Card Purchases for Project Jobs

New Contributor

What is the best practice for correlating credit card purchases for specific Jobs? We purchase materials and permits via Credit Card and need to tie them to the job we purchased them for. Any incite would be great! 


New Contributor

for credit card purchases, we do one purchase for each purchase order, then we have a receipt to attach to  each purchase order or bill or receipt page

one of the government websites we use allow any data to be put in 'name' on the process payment page, so i add in the purchase order number after the name, and that prints on the receipt so the receipt has purchase order number.

for in person purchases, the technician is required to put the purchase order number or job number in the purchase.

hope that helps.

Contributor II

Something that we do is when we order material, we give the supplier a job name/number for them to put on the order. Then when we receive the material and invoice, we will add it to the necessary job along with the price.