05-10-2022 04:51 PM
Need to be able to see who added, removed, or updated non-job events.
03-21-2024 11:27 PM
Updates to this?
04-03-2023 11:34 AM
i have a scheduled report for non-job dispatches that I receive in my email every Wednesday
03-31-2023 01:32 PM
Has this been done yet? I see that we can see who adds them, but no where can we see who deleted them. This would be really great to see, since we have people deleting items that are not supposed to be removed.
12-27-2022 04:08 AM
Any luck/update on a history log for non-job events?
05-11-2022 08:45 AM
I think a dispatch board activity log that can be sorted by type of modification would be very helpful.
05-11-2022 05:03 AM
Big need for sure!