Training Tuesday - ST 63 Release Highlights for Estimates and EMV (credit card chip) Readers
Shea is back with more highlights from the ST-63 Release. Learn about the enhancements that are being added to the Office Estimates.
Shea is back with more highlights from the ST-63 Release. Learn about the enhancements that are being added to the Office Estimates.
This is a Training Tuesday Classic! Are your techs forgetting important tasks or customers? Let's make sure they are all set up to take care of those follow up items on mobile.
Our training specialist, Heather, walks us through how to: Create technician specific MY FORMSAdd a trigger to the formMake it a required task to complete the formAdd to the technician's schedule as a...
Estimate & Proposal Templates, What's the big deal??
Join Vanessa as she highlights key features in release 58.