Auto-assigning Invoices for Review by Business Unit

New Contributor III

Customer Support told me that this wasn't a feature but it sure would be a nice one to have!

We would love to have the ability to auto assign invoices to certain people by Business Unit. So that X person automatically receives all the Residential Service invoices to review.

Hope this becomes a thing!

Alexis F

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Would love to see this gain some traction...and also the ability to notify someone that an invoice has been assigned to them to review.

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning

New Contributor III

Hi there,


Here is the link you requested!

Alexis F

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

That is a really good idea! I'll vote for it if you share the link!

Miranda Hufford, Office Administrator @ Red Barn Service, LLC

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

This is a great idea! Share this idea with ServiceTitan's Product team via the Ideas board. At the top of this screen, click on the IDEAS heading. Then click the ADD A NEW IDEA button. Your idea will have an ID (COMMUNITY-I-xxx). If you reply to this thread with the link to that idea after you create it, people can easily search for and upvote your idea!

Jessica Woodruff Smith, LadyTitans Co-Founder & Process Manager at AirWorks Solutions