Green Call Bubbles

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I have one CSR that sees everyones call bubbles on her screen (she has not answered or transferred these calls).  We use Phones Pro and no other CSR's nor myself can see all the calls on the job booking screen like she can.  Am I missing a setting being turned off for her?

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Is she on a standard or advanced license? 

Angela Kump
Jr. Sys Admin - Bonney

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

She's on advanced license (same as the rest of our seats).

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning