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Payroll - Simple Clock I/O doesn't work for all my technicians, only some.

New Contributor II

I have a issue to where not all of my technicians are paid the same - Service vs Install. Service does not get paid their first drive, however Install does. I want to be able to set up my Service Team WITHOUT Simple Clock I/O while my Install team WITH Simple Clock I/O. However, the setting is not on the technician level, but rather at the payroll settings as a whole. I can not be the only one doing payroll with this issue. 



ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator


Hi Kboysen, we have the same rules for Service vs Install,

Our Install technicians on their profile, under First Drive Settings, we have them as "Always pay first drive", so they get paid as soon as they dispatch.   


Some of our lead service techs- we have them "Always pay first drive" but we only pay after the first 30 minutes, once they hit dispatch, first 30 minutes of commute wont get paid but anything 30+ min their time starts


The rest of the Service techs, are as "Pay First drive if technicians is clocked into an event", this mean that if they dispatch- I wont pay for that drive, only when the hit "arrive" is when their time starts.


This together with our Idle Time rule- 


We can track the timesheets accurately. I had techs clocking in but they would got to get coffee or breakfast, and we were paying for that, so we set the idle time to 20 minutes, guys need to be on an event as Shop Time, driving, working on a job etc to get paid.


Hope this helps






New Contributor II

Hi Miranda, 

This only works if you do not have Simple Clock I/O enabled. I have two different types of technicians within Service Titan. Those who get paid their first drive and those who don't. If I disable Simple Clock I/O, then all of my install teams would have to clock into a non-job event very morning. This is too much to manage. I would like the Simple Clock I/O to be at the technician level settings rather than general payroll settings. 

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Technicians have First Drive Settings on their profiles, but not sure if that is what you are wanting.  There are two options: "Pay first drive if technician is clocked into event" or "Always pay first drive".  Those might work for you.

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning