Service Agreement Contacts


The contacts within the Service Agreement "Step 2: Locations and Contacts" needs some attention.

  1. When selecting the Billing Contact, Schedule Contact, etc., you can only see the phone number or email address and not the memo field. The memo field needs to be viewable so that you know which contact you are selecting. I realize that the new Contact Management feature is on the horizon, so that needs to be considered as well.
  2. Typically, the Location Records do not contain the phone numbers or email addresses of billing contacts. Billing contacts should only be on the Customer Record. The Location Record should contain contacts involved with coordination and job notifications, for example. However, when selecting "Billing Contact", only contacts from the Location Record are shown. The contacts from the Customer Record need to be selectable here as well.


Hey @dhelms - as always, thank you for the feedback! Two updates:

1. Memo field - as a stop gap measure until we integrate the new Contact Management components, for the upcoming major release, the team has added the Contact's Memo field to Step 2: 


2. New Contact Management Integration - we do plan to fully integrate the new Contact Management entities into the Service Agreements creation and performance workflows later in the year. I will share a more precise timeframe for this work as we get closer to it.

Any way to get the customer contacts as selections in the meantime?