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New Company! Second time with Service Titan!


Hello gang!  I recently started at a second plumbing company and they hired me to be a Service Titan hero!

It's day four, so I am going slow, but I wanted to reach out to share where I'm beginning, and see if anyone has any suggestions for moving forward.

My plan is to learn absolutely everything I haven't yet learned about ST and, at the same time invent a training guide that we can use moving forward.  Because I'm old fashioned, I like to print things out.  What I have done so far:

Service Titan Big Book

Using the Certified Admin program as a guide, I am methodically printing out each FAQ I can find and studying as if I were back in college.  I intend for these FAQs to be the backbone of the Big Book.

Create a Training Program

Utilizing the academy as a resource for new employees, and training those that have been struggling with ST, I want to create a program that can be modified by role, and be a program that others can learn to teach.  My inspiration is from when I worked at Blizzard Entertainment as a Game Master.  We had a two-week dynamic training program that made us understand the processes and programs we would use, how they effected other team members, and what to expect when changes come.  I want to create this program here using Service Titan.

Create an open-door, instant answer service internally

I want to create a system here at work that allows a point of contact to easily and efficiently find resolutions or answers to new issues that may arise.  The reason I want to create this structure is to mitigate any delay in workflow if an employee has a concern that is stopping their workflow.

That's it for now.  I wanted to share because I think it helps me organize my thoughts.  If anyone has any suggestions, please share 🙂

Thank you everyone, and have a great Thursday.



Dispatch and Office Supervisor - Smelly Mel's Plumbing

ServiceTitan Certified Provider
ServiceTitan Certified Provider

Hi @ChelseaTitan and thanks for sharing your thoughts with the Community. 

It sounds like a great plan🙂 

Academy courses and Knowledge Base articles are great sources of information to master ST features and best practices. In the meantime, if you need more insight on certain features or processes be sure to post it here and our experts will surely help you.