ServiceTitan Pro Products


True Ringless Voicemail

Please vote for this idea if you like it and get your friends to upvote it as well!!!COMMUNITY-I-2130The current voicemail drop in PhonesPro is a joke. You have to wait for the phone call to ring, listen to the customers voicemail and then you can dr...

AdamCronenberg by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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visual of audio when listening to a call

Please vote for this idea if you like it and get your friends to upvote it as well!!!COMMUNITY-I-2129It would be nice when listening to a call recording if you could visual see the audio of when someone is talking and when someone is not. Oftentimes,...

AdamCronenberg by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
  • 8 replies
  • 8 kudos

Call transcription within Service Titan

Please vote for this idea if you like it and get your friends to upvote it as well!!!COMMUNITY-I-2128We use PhonesPro (Dialpad) and while Call transcription was one of the big selling points of the integration, it is a real pain to have to leave Serv...

AdamCronenberg by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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  • 7 kudos

Export Reputation Pro Data

Please vote for this idea if you like it and get your friends to upvote it as well!!!COMMUNITY-I-2126We run a monthly technician scorecard and one of the factors we use is the ratings our techs get from reputation pro. This data is available as I can...

AdamCronenberg by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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  • 4 kudos

Customer with Multiple locations

Is there a way to separate the location with jobs done at that location? Example: Current view. some of these jobs are at different addresses Job # Business Unit Last Appointment # of Appt Type Total Technicians Priority Status16246Res-Svc7/14/20221S...

Zeliner by New Contributor
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Hello All,is there, or will there be, an option to set after hours pricing to apply to a weekend? We currently have our after hours pricing between 530 and 6 AM the next day but I have not found a way to add in the weekends automatically. Does anyone...

HBromberg by ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
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Outbound transfers

We call a customer and book an appointment. If a customer needs to be transferred to someone it won't let us. I checked our settings and box is checked for transfer calls. We can transfer inbound calls... Anyone help?

katrinaC by New Contributor III
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