New Monday. New Goals. 💪

New Contributor III

New Monday. 
New Week.
New Goals.

Happy Monday LadyTitans! ðŸŒž

I hope each of you had a fabulous, well-rested weekend. Today is the start of a new week. 

What are your goals for this week? 

Let's keep each other motivated to reach our goals this week!




New Contributor II

I'm really late in responding, but wanted to jump in. I've been focusing on goals this week, too. By recommendation of our business consultant I started listening to the audiobook version of "Eat That Frog!: 21 Ways to Stop Procrastination and Get More Done in Less Time." I'm only a few chapters in but it has already started changing the way I work and even the way my husband and I get things done home (key point being... we are actually getting things done at home now in the evenings, even with a 5 month old!). I haven't finished it yet, but would highly recommend it to anyone else trying to get more done when there seems to be an infinite list of things to do. 

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New Contributor III

Can you send some of that reorganization kick ju-ju over this way? I need to reorganize my office in a bad way. I hope you've had some self-care time this week. 

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I would be glad to!! I love organizing! Not sure why it doesn't always stay organized is the problem! 

I have tried to, but I definitely need to improve in that area still! I struggle with it a lot!

Miranda Hufford, Office Manager @ Red Barn Service, LLC

Contributor III

Ohh I didn't set any weekly goals but I can...

  • Workout daily, missed yesterday already...
  • Catchup on to-do list items in my email. 
  • Confirm marketing plans for the rest of the month. 
  • Implement using of new social media scheduling system. 
  • Make a Reel/TikTok on Friday! 
Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member

New Contributor III

Love that you are planning out a social media schedule!

New Contributor III

Goals for the week:

  • Complete a Certified Admin Module
  • Set up the at home office
  • Catch up on the house chaos (keeping up with the mess from the fiance, Rottie, and 2 cats) so we can do something fun this weekend.

New Contributor III

Do we ever really ever catch up on the house chaos? ðŸ˜‚ Chaos or no chaos... I hope y'all have a fun weekend!

New Contributor III

I am pretty sure the "catch up on the house chaos" game is what led creators to the idea of whack-a-mole.😅

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

My house is cleaner than it's ever been... because 90% of my stuff is in storage- I'm listing tomorrow. LOL.

Jessica Woodruff Smith, LadyTitans Co-Founder & Process Manager at AirWorks Solutions

New Contributor III

Wooo hooo! Good luck with the sale of your home!! 

New Contributor III

My goals for this week:

  • Spend 30 minutes per day on my under-desk treadmill
  • Prep for Quarterly Business Reviews
  • Complete one SuccessHacker module 
  • Spend QUALITY time with my family each evening