Duplication of Service Agreements and Visits


I think I had this idea buried in a previous post but I think it merits its own topic. We need a way to duplicate Service Agreements. The SA Template isn't really much of a template. We have a customer with 30 stores and 30 separate service agreements. The only difference between them is the number of hours of each visit. I told the service manager to hold off on this account because I do not want her having to load in 30 agreements that are mostly duplicates of each other. Crossing my fingers that this is high on the dev's radar.

Related, we need a way to duplicate visits across multiple locations. In my example above, what if we had 1 master contract and defined 30 locations within? The visits do not let you copy them to other locations, only within the same location.


Contributor III

Brilliant and excellently written out! This is so needed for many clients for us as well. We have a prop management company that ST would be better for than a typically membership. But doing it all from scratch is more difficult! 

Gulfshore Air Conditioning, Niceville FL
CSR/Dispatcher Group Moderator & LadyTitans Member