How do you get your techs to take a lunch break?

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

Any tips on how to get your techs to stop and take lunch and get them to clock out and back in for it? We discuss it and they do okay for a while and then they stop again.

Miranda Hufford, Office Administrator @ Red Barn Service, LLC

New Contributor II

Hello Jessica.  New to using ST myself.  I see an option to have dispatch put a tech on a meal break, however I do not see an option on the mobile APP for the tech to do this themselves.  If a tech is going to be on a job for 8 hours and we want them to take a one hour lunch break, the only option I see them having is to pause the job.  Is this how others are doing it?

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

I'm not Jessica, but I can answer this question. When the tech has their mobile app open, if you click on their profile icon in the top right hand corner you should see "Start Meal Break" in the drop down. 

Miranda Hufford, Office Administrator @ Red Barn Service, LLC

New Contributor II

Hello Miranda.  Thank you for your reply.  I created a tech account for myself to see how it will work for others in the field.  I downloaded the APP and when I click on the profile icon from the APP on the top right corner, "Start Meal Break" is not an option in the dropdown.  Please see a screenshot here.
