User Activity

Our company really needs the ability to have recurring service events schedule beyond 1 year. Almost all of our residential customers use our service every 2-3 years, some a little bit longer. Service titan only gives us the ability to book a recurri...
How many times do you get a customer that says "you never sent me an email" when you did? It's great Service Titan is able to keep track of emails sent though the software and the exact time the customer opened it! It is such an awesome feature.Howev...
We are trying to become more efficient with our routing and job scheduling. We're a pretty large company that does 50+ stops within a 40-mile radius of our shop every single day. We're tired of driving to the same towns that are 45+ minutes away, onl...
Does anyone else have issues with synching issues with "offline" technicians (no service)? We've had a few instances where techs will be out in the field, fill out required forms, and then are able to close out their jobs. On their end things look ok...
I know this is in Beta Mode - but looking for a solution to this issue in the meantime and seeing if others who are using the Chat to Text website widget are also having this issue... The chat widget pops up automatically on our website, on all pages...