Help us block/prevent spam calls 🙏

Valued Contributor II

I'm looking for advice/tips/help please! 🙏 

I have been receiving an absurdly high amount of spam calls the past few weeks - more than ever. The catch is: 1) they call from all different numbers (so I cannot simply just block one number or two and be done because there are dozens of numbers) and 2) they call in using all different numbers (it is not only incoming from one campaign number but from many) and 3) they are mostly automated spam calls so I cannot even politely ask the person on the other end of the line to remove us from their call list. We have heard the suggestion to automate our introduction and have clients press a number so that way spam calls cannot get through to our live people however, we do not want to do this. Our owners do not want our clients going through this automated process and want to keep our business as human as possible. 

Do you have any suggestions? Has anyone found any solutions that work for you? If it makes a difference, we are located in Ontario. I would be so grateful for any advice! 


Khiana Klatt
CSR ServicePlus Heating and Cooling

ServiceTitan Certified Administrator
ServiceTitan Certified Administrator

@KhianaKlatt is this still ongoing?  Are you on phones pro?  There might be some settings about blocking numbers that have a high spam score.

Miranda Melnychuk, RSE
Acclaimed! Heating Cooling and Furnace Cleaning